Ernst and Young - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • What the private sector could contribute to the data retention debate

    It is impossible to discuss the recent debate around data retention in Australia without eventually coming back to information security -- encryption, the secure storage of digital records, and meta data are just some of the topics that are traditionally security issues. However, they are the same issues that have been addressed time and time again in the private sector.

    Michael Lee | 18 Mar | Read more

  • Three elements that every advanced security operations center needs

    Security operations centers (SOC) have been around for a while, stretching back to the old room full of live camera feeds. The intent of a SOC is simple: provide the business with the ability to see what is going on in order to take action if necessary. The level of SOC sophistication varied depending on the risks and infrastructure complexity. Consider the humble stretch of road and an analogy for businesses in the very early days of the internet: In low risk, low traffic areas, it was often not necessary to have a constant additional surveillance of this road. Road rules -- basic perimeter-based network security measures like firewalls -- still applied, but it was considered sufficient for any out-of-the-ordinary incidents to be handled reactively.

    Michael Lee | 20 Jan | Read more