Cloud Security — News

Security in the Cloud is all about visibility and control

It's an oft-repeated mantra: Organizations engaged in or investigating cloud computing in any of its many flavors are concerned about security. In fact, concerns about security, data privacy and data residency are often cited as inhibitors to cloud adoption. But are the concerns justified? Some security experts say visibility and control are the missing elements.

Thor Olavsrud | 18 Feb | Read more

Microsoft Ruining Valentine's Day with Nine Security Bulletins

Next Tuesday is a big deal. Yes, <a href="">it is Valentine’s Day</a>, but that’s not what I’m talking about. It is also the second Tuesday in the month of February which makes it Patch Tuesday. Microsoft revealed today that there are <a href="">nine new security bulletins</a> slated for next Tuesday -- Happy Valentine’s Day?

Tony Bradley | 10 Feb | Read more

Google Wallet Security Concerns Raised

Google's new <a href="">NFC system</a> that purports to turn your phone into a credit card can be compromised using a brute-force attack -- and that raises questions about its security.

Sarah Jacobsson Purewal | 10 Feb | Read more

4 keys for IP protection

Do you think data breaches are up or down in 2011 compared to 2007 or 2008? The official answer may surprise you. According to DatalossDB and the 2011 Data Breach Investigations Report [<a href="">PDF link</a>] by Verizon, the number of records compromised per year has been decreasing since its 2008 peak. But these reports are missing something very important. It all comes down to what is reported. Last year I met with more than 450 CIOs and CSOs, and almost all of them said that incidents are way up. New breaches are constantly making headlines, so why is there a discrepancy between our perception and what these reports are finding?

Jason Clark | 07 Feb | Read more

How to protect online transactions

The trusty telephone is emerging as one of the key elements in new multifactor authentication schemes designed to protect online banking and other web-based financial transactions from rapidly evolving <a href="">security</a> threats.

Julie Sartain | 07 Feb | Read more

The best form of defence?

A report in the Daily Yomiuri suggests that the Japanese government have commissioned Fujitsu Ltd to create a “defensive virus” and that after 3 years of work and a budget of $2.3 million, the project is nearing completion.

CSO staff | 06 Jan | Read more

The Cloud, Day 21: My Data Might Be Safer in the Cloud

Yesterday I talked about my concerns about <a href="">the security of my data</a> if I store it in the cloud. It seems like an awful lot of faith to put in a third-party to expect it to protect my data. However, there is a flip side to that coin that suggests that maybe my data is better off in their hands than mine.

Tony Bradley | 06 Jan | Read more

Windows 8 can scrub data from disk, but not up to tough security specifications

<a href="">Windows 8</a> includes a reset function that <a href="">restores the operating system</a> to a clean state and scrubs data <a href="">applications</a> from the disk, but falls short of making that data unrecoverable, according to Microsoft.

Tim Greene | 05 Jan | Read more

2012: the year business must revisit security basics

It may be that 2<a href="" target="_blank">011 was the year of the DDoS</a>,&nbsp;but security&nbsp;experts warn that 2012 could shape up to be the year businesses really&nbsp;pay the piper as a broad range of attacks pummel them for years spent&nbsp;overlooking and underfunding their security.<br />

David Braue | 23 Dec | Read more

Data centres need to lift their standards

The ‘cloud’ is has been growing rapidly. Data centres have an increasingly critical role in the supply of effective and efficient cloud-related services, but adoption can be hindered by concerns over data centre security. Having the correct data centre security in place is vital.

Brahman Thiyagalingham | 13 Dec | Read more