How to protect children online

It's one of the most significant challenges facing parents today. As the world becomes smaller and the ability to access information and people continues to accelerate, how do parents protect their children?

Blocking Specific Content

So, with all these different apps and websites your children are using what can you do to curtail their access?

Go into your router's settings (the instructions that came with it will guide you through that process). You will find some options for setting restrictions or for filtering.

If you want to block access to YouTube, then add "" to the list of blocked sites. Similarly, you can do the same with Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram and any other sites you want to stop your children from visiting.

You may also be able to block access to sites containing particular words.

There are some routers that integrate with third-party services that block sites based on their type. These services use categorised blacklists of sites. They allow you to choose what types of sites you'd like to block rather than having to list each specific site.

Alternately, if you do some research it may be possible to do some of that blocking yourself but amending the firewall settings in your router. For example, an article by CIPAFilter shows how to block Kik and other messenger services.

Your Computers
The days of installing anti-virus software on your computers are over. But, that doesn’t mean you don't need protection on your computers, tablets and smartphones.

When you're browsing the shelves at your local computer or stationery store, you'll be looking for security software. This is because the world has become far more complicated over the last few years. Malicious software, or malware, has evolved from simply being all about reckless damage to a tool used by sophisticated organised crime gangs.

Windows users have long been accustomed to installing security software and Mac aren't exempt from needing it as well. Good security software will not only protect you from viruses but also from malware that's introduced through infected websites, email and other methods.

Online Places In today's connected world, children can interact with other people in lots of places. Here are few of the potential types of sites and services your kids might be accessing.

Tags internet securityFacebookappssocial networkingyoutubeinstant messagingonline safetyblogsCredit card fraudStay Smart OnlineTumblrblacklistsonline gaminggeo-taggingKikparental filteringchildren onlineinter-player communicationweb browsingpublic hotspots

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