Does your generation pose an office security risk?

The Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y each have their own bad habits.

Physical Security: Sandwiched in the middle, Gen Xers tend to share values with both Gen Y and Boomers. But Gen Xers often want to be left alone to do their work. They can get annoyed when micro-managed, according to Matuson.

ID and Access: This is an area where the boss might need to watch you. While Gen Xers have grown past their slacker years to become successful workplace leaders, they still have a lot of their independent streak, said Dowling. That can be a problem when it comes to building security and access. Gen Xers may be more likely to do compromising things, like share security codes and cards. "They like to reject the rules. The have their own way of doing things," said Dowling. "They tend to look for ways around the system, may not realize the security value and are probably less likely to comply."

Baby Boomer

You are part of the Baby Boom generation if you were born between 1946 and 1964 - a time when the US birthrate spiked dramatically. Some defining events of your young life include the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the debate over communism and the Beatles invasion. Characteristically, you are known as loyal, dependable and can often be a workaholic.

IT security: When it comes to technology at work, you may feel like a fish out of water. This lack of comfort, and your potential gap in knowledge when it comes to using technology, can mean your company's sensitive data is at risk. Make sure you know how to use a system. "Gen X/Y/Z employees often understand the nuances of the new technologies they bring, whereas Boomers may be equipped with the same technology but not as familiar with all of the functionality," said Aaron Wilson, chief technology officer in the Managed Security Services division of Science Applications International. "This can be dangerous from a security standpoint."

Physical security: What happened to the good-old days when kids respected their elders? For many Boomers, the kids are the boss now and that's causing plenty of tension in offices around the world. Managers are especially concerned about Boomers, who may feel disrespected. "Some of my more mature clients think younger people are from another planet and don't have any respect for their elders," according to Matuson. She advises older workers to have patience in order to avoid a potentially explosive, or even violent, situation. Remember that younger workers have a different listening and learning style. "Millennials may be thinking: "What's the big deal? Just because I'm texting, doesn't mean I'm not listening,'" said Matuson.

ID and access: Building access and security systems are not a problem for you, according to the experts we spoke with. That's because your loyal, reliable characteristics shine through here and you are probably going to follow directions to keep your office secure. "A new system comes into place and they have an understanding that it is there for a reason. They are going to use it and use it the right way," said Dowling.

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