
Facebook - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Save your Internet bacon with two-factor authentication

    Anyone who's paid attention to computer security over the past few years will probably tell you that your password isn't enough. Passwords are often awkward and hard to remember--leading people to use the same password for multiple sites--and if someone gets a hold of your login credentials, they can wreak havoc with your personal information. Not good.

    Nick Mediati | 30 Oct | Read more

  • Easy ways to protect your Android phone

    Your Android phone not only enables you to do nearly everything online, but also allows you to carry your life in your pocket. Although having all that information in a single location and always on hand may be especially convenient, it makes for an appealing target to thieves and hackers. But you're not defenseless: You can take a number of steps and precautions to ensure that your stuff stays safe.

    Armando Rodriguez | 19 Sep | Read more

  • How to protect your PC against devious security traps

    Securing your PC against the malicious wilds of the Web isn't as simple as just keeping your antivirus software of choice up-to-date. In fact, the pervasiveness of security software has forced the bad guys to turn to increasingly clever tricks in their quest to "pwn" your PC.

    Brad Chacos | 16 Sep | Read more

  • Designing your digital legacy

    We lead rich virtual lives on social networking sites like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter. So what happens when real life catches up, and our flesh-and-blood bodies succumb to mortality? For our virtual selves, at least, some concrete answers are available--ways to settle our digital affairs after death, while minimizing hassle and heartache for loved ones.

    David Daw | 29 Apr | Read more