Security Awareness — News

The 2015 Social Engineering Survival Guide

Despite being an integral aspect of many, if not most, major attacks, social engineering tactics always seem to go underappreciated by enterprise security teams. However, it's often easier to trick someone into opening an email and exploiting a vulnerability that way, or convincing an unsuspecting assistant to provide a few useful bits of information, than it is to directly attack a web application or network connection.

George V. Hulme | 23 Jan | Read more

The week in security: Obama promotes breach sharing, hackers do same

Big-name security tools aren't catching anywhere near all of the malware they are presented with, according to the latest lab testing results from Enex Labs, which found during testing in the second half of 2014 that as many as 100 percent of tested malware was making it through the defences of eight popular security tools. The results were corroborated by a FireEye study that found traditional security defences simply are not stopping security breaches.

David Braue | 19 Jan | Read more