Security Leadership — Opinions

Opinion: How safe is your customer identity data?

Some of the world’s largest corporations have recently fallen victim to hacking attacks and identify data theft, while other online businesses have been compromised and sidelined for days or weeks, losing millions of dollars in revenue and suffering significant reputational damage. It’s never been more important for companies to act in order to avoid becoming the next victim of identity data theft.

Anton Koren | 14 Jul | Read more

Opinion: Drazen Drazic ~ Securus Global talks to CSO about Internet Security

If we were to believe the marketing hype over the last 20 years, we should be in a position today, in 2011 where security is not the BIG problem that it is. Every “security” product has promised to take the pain away; make us secure, compliant (with every known standard), and to not only solve our problem today, but to future proof us also. Buy now and you need nothing else!

Drazen Drazic | 08 Jul | Read more