Opinions — Opinions

Opinion: How safe is your customer identity data?

Some of the world’s largest corporations have recently fallen victim to hacking attacks and identify data theft, while other online businesses have been compromised and sidelined for days or weeks, losing millions of dollars in revenue and suffering significant reputational damage. It’s never been more important for companies to act in order to avoid becoming the next victim of identity data theft.

Anton Koren | 14 Jul | Read more

Opinion: The Wild List

The WildList is a compilation of sample viruses that have been submitted by security professionals from around the world. It is published each month to a select group of subscribers. Contributors can be any security professional, but the sample must be submitted by at least two respected sources before it will be included in the list.

Ian Hyndman | 13 Jul | Read more

Vendor Opinions: Security in the Next-Generation Data Center

In the data center today, several major trends are happening in parallel, with each representing a fundamental change in terms of how IT is managed. For the security teams responsible for safeguarding corporate IT assets, these trends present a host of challenges, necessitating several new capabilities and approaches to ensure ongoing, effective security.

Greg Bunt | 11 Jul | Read more

Opinions: Even More Reason to Get Protection

Most modern day cyber attacks tend to target organisations and governments with the explicit purpose of stealing information and causing disruption. As a consequence, governments have had to reassess their stance on cyber crime, and many are attempting to tackle the problem directly.

Ian Hyndman | 11 Jul | Read more

Opinions: The sorry state of application security

Application security is currently one of the major battlegrounds in information security. Compromised web applications are ransacked for credit card numbers, personally identifiable information and is a major vector for spreading crimeware enabling criminals to defraud our banking institutions

Matthew Hackling | 11 Jul | Read more

Opinion: Drazen Drazic ~ Securus Global talks to CSO about Internet Security

If we were to believe the marketing hype over the last 20 years, we should be in a position today, in 2011 where security is not the BIG problem that it is. Every “security” product has promised to take the pain away; make us secure, compliant (with every known standard), and to not only solve our problem today, but to future proof us also. Buy now and you need nothing else!

Drazen Drazic | 08 Jul | Read more