Mobile Security — Opinions

BYOD: Keep your ‘eyes on the enterprise’

Bring your own device (BYOD) will continue to shift the way employees interact with enterprise applications and information, which raises considerable security challenges to any organisation. We already know that these devices include tablets, including iOS and Android smartphones, “Wintel” laptops, but there are many devices we are yet to see.

Terry Steer | 19 Jul | Read more

Managing the mobile security paradigm

There have been profound changes in recent years in the way that people work. Mobility, virtualisation and globalisation have extensively altered how business is conducted. These changes mean that updated and upgraded security systems are needed to ensure data security.

Gordon Makryllos | 09 Aug | Read more

Addressing the security risks of BYO device

The head of security hastily leaves the meeting without excusing herself. Her body language indicates that it is an important call. As she walks back in, all eyes in the room subliminally pose the same question. Without further prompting, the head of security says: “The CEO wants to know why she can’t watch a YouTube video on her iPad. It’s against policy, but we have to make it happen. While we’re at it, she also wants to be able to access her email and calendar on her iPhone”. This actually happened at a large financial institution.

Ian Yip | 29 Mar | Read more