Social Networking Security — News

Pen-testing may pacify auditors, but it won’t stop hackers from taking your data

Penetration testing often uncovers the same vulnerabilities over and over again while leaving other avenues of compromise wide open, a ‘red-team’ hacker has warned while reporting that his firm is still seeing “great success” using malware techniques and social engineering to compromise “complacent” firms that would seem to be following security best practices on paper.

David Braue | 20 Sep | Read more

Australian businesses should use ASD Essential Eight as a roadmap for proactive security

Any company operating a multi-storey office building would develop painstaking fire escape plans, and any hospital would develop backup plans detailing how it could operate in the event of a power failure. So, if responsible businesses are actively addressing these risks, why are so many companies still failing to lay down detailed plans for dealing with a cybersecurity incident?

David Braue | 08 Jun | Read more