Application Security — News

Michael Jackson death spurs spam, viruses

Less than 24 hours after Michael Jackson's death, fraudsters are exploiting public interest with their attempts to spread spam and malware. Security researchers say they've observed hundreds of cases of malicious messages masquerading as information about Jackson's death. Some of them, they say, popped up within minutes of the news.

JR Raphael | 27 Jun | Read more

Fraudsters try to scam security expert on eBay

When security expert Bruce Schneier tried to sell a used laptop on eBay, he thought it would be easy. Instead, a sale was aborted twice -- first by a scammer using a hacked eBay account and then by a buyer who tried to trick Schneier into sending her the laptop after she cancelled payment.

Sumner Lemon | 23 Jun | Read more

'Google-like' tool aids network security

Network administrators and security specialists have long had tools and software for analyzing the streams of traffic that course through company systems, but now a Marlborough, Massachusetts, startup wants to make the process a lot easier.

Chris Kanaracus | 04 Jun | Read more

Obama's cybersecurity initiative wins praise

U.S. President Barack Obama's announcement Friday of a new cybersecurity push by the U.S. government won widespread praise from the technology industry, with many people saying his attention to the issue is a major step toward better securing the nation's computer networks.

Grant Gross | 01 Jun | Read more

Defence trials sneaky cameras

The Defence Science Technology Organisation (DSTO) is running facial recognition trials which will underpin biometric initiatives across the Department of Defence, Immigration and new smartcard driver's licences.

Darren Pauli | 28 May | Read more