Stories by Jared Newman

Report: Your Palm Pre may be spying on you

Is your Palm Pre spying on you and sending your GPS coordinates and more back to the Palm mothership on a daily basis? According to mobile application developer Joey Hess that's exactly what is happening. He asserts on his personal blog that data on the location and app used on the Palm's Pre smartphone is being sent to Palm.

Jared Newman | 13 Aug | Read more

TechCrunch quits trickling Twitter docs

TechCrunch concluded its days-long drip of <a href="">stolen Twitter documents</a> with details on the company's conversations with Google and Microsoft.

Jared Newman | 18 Jul | Read more

FAQ: Google Chrome OS

News of Google's Chrome operating system is sending waves though the tech world with some saying the OS signals the beginning of the end for Microsoft and others who say Google will fall flat on its face and fail.

Jared Newman | 09 Jul | Read more