Stories by Craig Ford

Craig Ford's image

Craig is currently employed by Davichi a Brisbane based MSP/MSSP as a senior ICT security engineer. Craig is continuing to expand his knowledge and furthering his participation in the security industry by both presenting for conferences and contributing articles to CSO.

Never use free Wi-Fi

​This is a conversation I find myself having almost every day and I believe that the message isn’t really sinking in on the dangers of using public or free Wi-Fi.

Craig Ford | 13 May | Read more

Social Engineering Attacks

Over the years I have heard of some really well-crafted social engineering attacks, it is a really great way for malicious actors and Pentester's alike to get past well-trodden security measures.

Craig Ford | 13 May | Read more

The blame game in security needs to stop

Security is a hard gig, honestly, it really is. We need to know about all the threats that haven't even come to be yet, protect the organisation with all the latest blinky light solutions as well as know the ins and outs of every application and its implications to your company.

Craig Ford | 29 Apr | Read more

Medical IoT - The Future of Assassination

I want to do something a little different with this article, I want to take you down the rabbit hole that is IoT and the dark side that is lurking around the corner that I know is going to bare its ugly head at some point in our future.

Craig Ford | 12 Apr | Read more

MSSP’s are just after their next sale

Before I start I want to be clear, I work for an MSP/MSSP in Brisbane, so before all of the rest of you, MSSP's and MSP's throw me under the proverbial bus read my article and understand what the point I am trying to get across here first. Then if you still want to do that then go for it.

Craig Ford | 03 Apr | Read more