Stories by Joy Mali

How to Overcome Security Issues On a Site with VPS Hosting

Online security is one of the biggest challenges in this hacker heavy digital arena. Security is the first parameter you should reinforce, as it is directly related to the brand value of your business and your user’s percious data. Along with other issues, the hosting service provider plays the most requisite role in housing your website within an imperishable castle, guarded by the walls of web-security. It’s true that VPS hosting technology has bridged the gap between pricey dedicated hosting and entry level shared hosting. So, for the most of the mid-sized businesses, VPS hosting is the hot cake.

Joy Mali | 30 Oct | Read more

Best ways to protect Ecommerce site from cyber criminals

With the festive season fast approaching, online retailers everywhere will be busily preparing themselves to meet the bulk demands of customers but another community is also waiting in the wings. The festive season is a primetime for nefarious cyber criminals or hackers looking to steal important data of your customers. With passage of time, hackers are improving their skills and are founding quite innovative ways to trace online behavior and steal credentials of the customers.

Joy Mali | 20 Mar | Read more