Identity automation caps Medibank’s three-year data overhaul

Figure out what data you have, CISO says, then use IAM and automation to protect it

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Private health insurer Medibank is reaping the benefits of faster, more effective user authentication as it nears the end of a three-year overhaul that spanned data discovery, technology simplification, and the introduction of an identity and access management (IAM) framework built around its streamlined data-management processes.

The project had broad scope but the focus on a few key deliverables helped focus the technology team as it worked through the process of reviewing and optimising its data protections, identity protections, and IAM processes to support those, CISO Stuart Harrison told CSO Australia.

“To address the inherent risk of holding very sensitive information, it was very important that we broke down the work into bite-sized milestones,” Harrison said, “and that we could measure and prove tangible value over time.”

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