8 Ways to Secure Your Web Browsing Against Identity Thefts and Attacks

Whenever you browse the internet, chances of any cyberattack or theft are likely. When a virus attacks you through your browser, your information, such as your passwords or your information could get stolen. If you want to prevent your information from getting stolen, then you need to make sure you secure your browser properly. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

Have a strong antivirus in your computer

This one is a given. In your computer, you must have at the very least, an antivirus that you can use in order to protect you from viruses. This will be the last defense against strong viruses that you could have not prevented from entering your computer. Some of the best antiviruses to date would be Bitdefender, Avira, and Kaspersky. These ones have some of the best anti Malware features and can also defend from other very strong viruses too.

Download an anti-exploit program

While the antivirus is the last line of defense, an anti-exploit program will be the first. While an antivirus blacklists viruses when they enter the computer, an anti-exploit program blocks off and prevents entities that already show unusual behavior in your browser. Using it is like putting a second layer of protection at the front.

Update your browser

It’s important to use an updated browser because updated browsers have updated security features. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have auto updates which makes it easier for you so you don’t need to manually update.

Update your plugins

Aside from your browser, you’ll also need to update your plugins too so that they won’t carry viruses. There are some plugins that automatically update with the browser you’re using. However, there are others that you’ll need to update yourself. The same principle can be followed for your Gmail accounts by uninstalling any unnecessary programs previously authorized to access your account, or any Wordpress plugins you may no longer use in your blog.

Use click to play plugins

This option would allow your plug ins to stop running if you don’t need them to. This will prevent malware or any other security breaches from entering the plug ins.

Use browser with 64-bit protection

The browsers with 64-bit protection are more secure than the 32-bit ones. So far, the only 64-bit browsers available for download are from Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Mozilla Firefox doesn’t have a stable 64-bit browser yet but they are planning on coming up with one in the future.

Avoid installing random extensions

Although browser extensions may seem cool, some of them are actually dangerous and can track down some of your information. For this very reason, you should be careful on what extensions you download. Don’t just randomly download extensions because they look useful. If possible, try to use as little extensions as possible.

Uninstall rarely used plugins

As mentioned earlier, plug ins are quite vulnerable to viruses and other harmful entities for your computer. For this reason, it’s better to use as little plug ins too as possible. So if you have some plug ins that you are not using, you might as well uninstall them to be on the safe side.

These are some of the ways you can prevent attacks on your browsers. Of course, other things you can do to prevent this type of thing from happening would be to avoid websites that seem fishy such as spam or phishing websites. That way, you won’t have the chance of getting attacked. 

Tags identity theftviruscyber attacksGoogle Chromemozilla firefoxWordpressanti-exploit technologies

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