10 tips on how to address end user risk agreements for BYOD

With the explosion of mobile devices such as notebooks, tablets, and smartphones, mobility has become ubiquitous, which led to an increased dependency on wireless networks for business-critical services. Organisations now depend on high-bandwidth to send and receive voice, video and data, from any device to anyone for video conferencing and video streaming. Wi-Fi is quickly becoming the primary network connection of choice for workers everywhere.

It is now a “must-have” technology for organisations, regardless of how large or small. So much so that a growing number of organisations — from colleges to corporations — have begun adopting bring-your- own-device (BYOD) policies. “The movement to allow a staff member or student to gain access to a network with their personal devices has become very popular.

The use of smart devices is exploding. Gartner predicts sales of 1.2 billion smart devices in 2013, with much of this sales growth in the consumer market as a media-consumption platform. However, more and more enterprises are evaluating and using tablets for their mobile workforces. Gartner also predicted that this year, 80 percent of businesses will support tablets for their employees. Enterprises are excited about the smaller form-factor and increased mobility, but they still have concerns about privacy, security and device management which will be address in this article.

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