AusCERT 2013: Users, cats more likely hack culprits than cyber-espionage: Trustwave

Organisations convinced they have been the victims of state-sponsored cyberattacks may want to take a deep breath and look at their employees first, one security expert has advised during his address at the AusCERT 2013 security conference.

Although many organisations were succumbing to legitimate penetrations due to the efforts of malicious outside hackers, Marc Bown – Asia-Pacific managing consultant for TrustWave’s SpiderLabs division–said many smart hackers had stopped trying to weave their way through perimeter defences and simply targeted the soft spot of any organisation: its users.

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Tags trustwavecyberattackshackscyber-espionageAusCERT 2013#Auscert2013Rahul Samant

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