With viruses passé and money involved, malware’s just no fun anymore: Genes

The idea of computer viruses persists in the popular memory but actually died a decade ago as commercially driven exploits increasingly pushed companies onto the back foot, Trend Micro chief technology officer Raimund Genes argued during a review of the evolution of malware over the past two decades.

Recalling the early days of viruses – when infection was obvious, often displaying taunting or amusing messages on victims’ computers – Genes told the audience at the Evolve 2013 security conference that malware had gotten far more difficult, and boring, as profit motives drove infections to act in secret.
“I am really missing the good old times,” he joked, recalling the screen-drawing silliness of 1990’s Ambulance virus.

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Tags malwarevirusesRaimund GenesTrendmicroevolve security conference 2013Raimund Gene

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