Remains of the Day: Super password

Despite the patch for the latest Apple security hole, concerns remain about the company's track record in that arena. But, hey, can you really blame Apple, when it may be busy building a game controller and a streaming music service? Say the secret word, the remainders for Friday, March 29, 2013 win $100.

Password denied: when will Apple get serious about security? (The Verge)

Apple may have patched the recent password reset security hole, but Tim Carmody argues that it's an example of a larger issue for Apple: specifically, the company's lack of transparency in its security practices. Strangely, whenever you ask Apple about it, it just waves its hand and mutters "You don't need to see our security practices."

Exclusive: Apple will launch an official gaming joypad soon (

Forget the iWatch. Forget the iTV. Game controllers are where it's at. Rumor has it that Apple might release a gamepad for iOS devices, based on supposed conversations between Cupertino and developers at this past week's Game Developer Conference in San Francisco. Hey, maybe the company will finally be able to unload all those Pippin controllers taking up space in a warehouse somewhere.

Biting the hand that feeds you: why are record labels fighting Pandora? (The Verge)

In a piece about streaming music, The Verge's Greg Sandoval includes a choice quote from a music executive: "iRadio is coming. There's no doubt about it anymore." Apple's much-rumored music service is said to appear this summer; the biggest obstacle is going to be explaining to the kids today what "radio" refers to.

Private collector builds Apple Pop-Up Museum to "tell the story of Apple" (Ars Technica)Speaking of old Apple equipment, David Greelish has assembled a "pop-up" museum of classic hardware from the company, to be displayed as part of the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast 1.0. Among the collection are an original Lisa, an Apple I, and Steve Wozniak sleeping in glass booth.

Tags Appleiosoperating systemsmusicsoftwareapplicationsgamesstreaming musicolder Macs

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